

  • 乘客9

独特的工艺为真正的美国海岸到海岸范围, the 庞巴迪挑战者300 is one of the most popular private jets to charter in the super-midsize category. The spacious cabin offers a generous width, flat floor 和 st和-up height.


  • Originally called the Continental before being renamed in 2002, the 庞巴迪挑战者300 was certified in 2003 和 entered commercial service in 2004.
  • It can accommodate up to 10 passengers if the lavatory is used as an extra seat, but is ideally designed to fly eight or nine passengers in comfort.
  • With a range allowing for direct flights from London to New York 和 a top speed of over 850 km/h, the Challenger 300 is one of the best-performing jets in its category.
  • Its comparatively large baggage compartment is accessible during flight 和 has enough room for every passenger to bring a suitcase.
  • Production ceased in 2014 as Bombardier began delivering the upgraded Challenger 350. The newer aircraft features an updated interior 和 20% taller cabin windows.

With a st和-up cabin offering modern features for exceptional comfort 和 flexibility, the 庞巴迪挑战者300 is a proven performer in the super-midsize jet category for both business 和 leisure. 该级别中其他受欢迎的私人飞机包括 塞斯纳引文X湾流G200.


The 庞巴迪挑战者300’s large cabin has plenty of space for eight or nine passengers to stretch out 和 enjoy the interior, while 10 people can fit on board if the lavatory is used as an extra seat. The aircraft is usually configured either in a double-club formation or with two seats swapped out for a three-person divan. All of the passenger seats are fully adjustable, with fold-out tables 和 individual AC power plugs.

The exterior baggage compartment is accessible in-flight through the fully enclosed lavatory. 前方的行李柜也可以增加.


  • The Challenger 300’s seats can be used for up to four beds during night flights.
  • The aircraft demonstrated its speed by setting a record for its classification in 2004. 载有两名飞行员和八名乘客, 它飞了4英里。,从加州的卡尔斯巴德到班戈365公里, 缅因州,4小时41分, 以平均921公里/小时的速度巡航.
  • The 300’s success set the stage for its successor, the Challenger 350. 


挑战者300有两台霍尼韦尔AS907涡扇发动机, 每个提供8个,050 lbs of thrust 和 fitted with dual channel FADEC 和 Hurel-Dubois thrust reversers.

The aircraft’s avionics suite is based on a Rockwell Collins ProLine 21, 有四个液晶显示器, an integrated four-tube electronic flight instrumentation system 和 a two-tube engine inflight condition monitoring system.


The baseline Challenger 300 launched as the Bombardier Continental at the 1999 Paris Air Show. After much deliberation over whether it should join Bombardier’s Learjet, 挑战者家族或环球家族, 它被重新命名为挑战者300并在2004年进入服役.

超过400次的交付, production ceased in 2014 as Bombardier began delivering the upgraded Challenger 350 with an updated interior 和 taller cabin windows. The 350 became the fastest business jet to reach 300 deliveries in the midsize 和 large categories.


庞巴迪航空(原庞巴迪宇航)设计, 为公司制造和支持航空产品, 商用和专用飞机市场. The br和 began with several acquisitions of established aviation companies. 排在第一位的是1986年的加拿大航空公司, 其次是北爱尔兰的肖特兄弟, 美国Learjet公司,1990年, 和波音公司的加拿大子公司德哈维兰飞机公司.

现在有60多人,000名员工, Bombardier is a global transportation industry leader creating original aircraft 和 trains. Its products 和 services aim to provide world-class transportation experiences that set new st和ards in passenger comfort, 能源效率, 可靠性和安全性. 总部位于蒙特利尔, 加拿大, Bombardier has production 和 engineering sites in 25 countries across transportation, 商业飞机, 商用飞机和航空结构, 工程服务.


The list price of a used 庞巴迪挑战者300 is around $9-14 million (USD), 取决于飞机的年龄和状况.


租船合同利率 for the 庞巴迪挑战者300 can vary greatly depending on the length of the journey you have planned, 以及你决定飞进和飞出的机场.

If you would like to book a private charter flight on the 庞巴迪挑战者300, 那为什么不macaugalaxy银河国际的办公室呢? 如欲了解其他私人飞机的租用情况,请 浏览我们的可用飞机列表.


整线(飞机, 机组人员, 维护, Insurance) wet lease rates for the 庞巴迪挑战者300 can vary depending on the age of the aircraft, 租赁期限的长短, the number of block hours being guaranteed 和 the average cycle ratio.




  • 飞机类型 超级中型喷气机
  • 乘客 9
  • 巡航速度 871公里/小时
  • 范围 5,741公里/ 3,567英里


  • 行李空间 106 ft3
  • 封闭式厕所 是的
  • 空姐 是的
  • 压舱 是的



  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

